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Inventions and Discoveries

Click on each clue for its answer.

  1. Antiseptic surgery (1867)

    Joseph Lister

  2. Rabies immunization (1885)

    Louis Pasteur

  3. Nuclear model of atom (1911)

    Ernest Rutherford

  4. Polaroid camera (1948)

    Edwin Land

  5. Radioactivity of uranium (1896)

    Henri Becquerel

  6. Bifocal lens (c.1760)

    Benjamin Franklin

  7. Proton (1919)

    Ernest Rutherford

  8. Conditioned reflex (c.1910)

    Ivan Pavlov

  9. Concept of Big Bang theory (1927)

    George LeMaitre

  10. Modern atomic theory (1808)

    John Dalton

  11. Phonograph (1877)


  12. First use of anesthetic on humans (1842)

    Crawford Long

  13. Cell theory (1665)

    Robert Hooke

  14. Germ theory (1862-1877)

    Louis Pasteur

  15. Zipper (1891)

    W.L. Judson

  16. Pendulum clock (1656)

    Christian Huygens

  17. Organic Evolution (1809)

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

  18. Coca-Cola (1886)

    John Pimberton

  19. Bacteria (1683)

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek

  20. Blood circulation (1628)

    William Harvey

  21. Double rotor helicopter (1936)

    Henrich Focke

  22. First automobile with internal combustion engine (1885)

    Karl Benz

  23. Transistor (1947)

    John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, William B. Shockley

  24. Analytical engine design, included concepts of programming (1835)

    Charles Babbage

  25. Pressure cooker (1679)

    Denis Papin

  26. Electron (1897)

    J. J. Thompson

  27. Periodic table of elements (1869)

    Dmitri Mendeleev

  28. Single rotor helicopter (1939)

    Igor Sikorsky

  29. Isolation of Oxygen (1774)

    Joseph Priestley

  30. Hand-held camera (1888)

    George Eastman

  31. Intelligence testing (1905)

    Alfred Binet

  32. Discovery of penicillin (1928)

    Alexander Fleming

  33. Reinforced concrete (1877)

    Joseph Monier

  34. Radio waves (1932)

    Karl Jansky

  35. Portland cement (1824)

    Joseph Aspdin

  36. Nuclear reactor (1942)

    Enrico Fermi

  37. Jet propulsion engine (1936)

    Frank Whittle

  38. Condensed milk (1853)

    Gail Borden

  39. Quantum theory (1900)

    Max Planck

  40. Ball-point pen (1944)

    Lazlo Biro

  41. Isolation of insulin (1921)

    Sir Frederick G. Banting and Charles H. Best

  42. Electric lamp or arc lamp (1801)

    Humphrey Davy

  43. Classification of plants and animals by genera and species (1737-1753)

    Carolus Linnaeus

  44. Vaccination (1796)

    Edward Jenner

  45. Dynamite (1867)

    Alfred Nobel

  46. Laws of Planetary motion (1609)

    Johannes Kepler

  47. Machine gun (1862)

    Richard Gatling

  48. Photovoltaic effect (1839)

    Edmund Becquerel

  49. Structure of DNA (1953)

    Rosalind Elsie Franklin, F. H. Crick, James D. Watson

  50. Telescope (1608)

    Hans Lippershey

  51. Passenger elevator (1852)

    Elisha Otis

  52. Gyroscope (1852)

    Léon Foucault

  53. Stethoscope (1819)

    René Laënnec

  54. Digital calculator (1642)

    Blaise Pascal

  55. Logarithms (1614)

    John Napier

  56. Proposal of ice age (1840)

    Louis Agassiz

  57. Vitamin Deficiency (1912)

    Sir F. G. Hopkins, Casimir Funk

  58. Cyclotron (1931)

    Ernest O. Lawrence

  59. Fermentation (c.1860)

    Louis Pasteur

  60. Rocket (1926)

    Robert Goddard

  61. Vulcanized rubber (1839)

    Charles Goodyear

  62. Radiocarbon dating (1947)

    Willard F. Libby

  63. Barometer (1643)

    Evangelista Torricelli

  64. Nuclear fission (1938)

    Otto Hahn

  65. Cotton gin (1793)

    Eli Whitney

  66. Cholera bacterium (1883)

    Robert Koch

  67. Positron (1932)

    Carl D. Anderson

  68. Safety Razor (1901)

    King Gillette

  69. Dynamo or Electric generator (1832)

    Michael Faraday

  70. Neutron (1932)

    James Chadwick

  71. Evolution by Natural Selection (1859)

    Charles Darwin

  72. Revolver (1835)

    Samuel Colt

  73. World Wide Web (1989)

    Tim Berners-Lee

  74. X-rays (1895)

    Wilhelm Roentgen

  75. Hot-air balloon (1783)

    Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier

  76. Air conditioning (1911)

    Willis Carrier

  77. Polio Vaccine (1952)

    Jonas Salk

  78. Telephone (1876)

    Alexander Graham Bell

  79. Frozen food (1924)

    Clarence Birdseye

  80. Laws of Heredity (1865)

    Gregor Mendel

  81. First demonstration of antibiotic effect (1887)

    Louis Pasteur

  82. Electromagnetic theory of light (1873)

    James Maxwell

  83. Electromagnet (1823)

    William Sturgeon

  84. Telegraph (1837)

    Samuel Morse

  85. Rotation of Earth (1851)

    Jean Bernard Foucault

  86. First automobile with practical high-speed internal combustion engine (1885)

    Gottlieb Daimler

  87. Theory of continental drift (1912)

    Alfred Wegener