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Comics Characters by Creator

Click on each clue for its answer.

  1. Tintin


  2. Conan the Barbarian

    Robert E. Howard

  3. Archie

    Bob Montana

  4. Garfield

    Jim Davis

  5. Heathcliff

    George Gatley

  6. The Flintstones

    William Hanna and Joseph Barbara

  7. Zorro

    Johnston McCulley

  8. Katzenjammer Kids

    Rudolph Dirks

  9. Beetle Bailey

    Mort Walker

  10. Dick Tracy

    Chester Gould

  11. Richie Rich

    Alfred Harvey

  12. Bridget Jones

    Helen Fielding

  13. Superman

    Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster

  14. Pink Panther

    Blake Edwards

  15. Peanuts

    Charles M Schulz

  16. Calvin and Hobbes

    Bill Watterson

  17. The Simpsons

    Matt Groening

  18. Blondie

    Chic Young

  19. Tarzan

    Edgar Rice Burroughs

  20. Scooby-Doo

    Joe Ruby and Ken Spears

  21. Flash Gordon

    Alex Raymond

  22. Hagar the Horrible

    Dik Browne, Chris Browne

  23. Batman

    Bob Kane

  24. Mandrake the Magician

    Lee Falk

  25. Woody Woodpecker

    Walter Lantz (Helped by Ben "Bugs" Hardaway)

  26. Walnut Cove

    Mark Cullum

  27. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird

  28. The Wizard of Id

    Brant Parker and Johnny Hart

  29. The Lockhorns

    Bill Hoest

  30. Phantom

    Lee Falk

  31. James Bond

    Ian Fleming