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Norse Mythology

Click on each clue for its answer.

  1. He lives in the golden palace called Gladsheim; he eats nothing and two wolves crouch at his feet. On his shoulders perch two ravens who fly each day through the world and bring him back news of all that men do - one is named Thought (Hugin) and the other Memory (Munin).


  2. This is the realm of men.


  3. They are the three sisters who made one of threads for every life; they are the counterparts of fates in Greek myth.


  4. The enemies of the gods were these guys who lived in Jotunheim; Ymir was the first one of them and was the grandfather of Odin.


  5. Man and woman were created from this type of trees - men from this (cheer, baseball fans) and women from this.

    Ash and elm

    (ash trees are typically used to make baseball bats)

  6. He is the most famous of the Norse heroes and his story is told in the Nibelungenlied.

    Sigurd or Sigfried

  7. Loki's artifact is what makes Jim Carrey naughty in this 1994 film.

    The Mask

  8. The most beloved of the gods and his death was the first of the disasters which fell upon them. He was killed with the mischief of Loki.


  9. Shown prominently in the Hollywood hit, this is the hammer of Thor.


  10. This Y tree is an immense ash tree that is central in Norse cosmology, as it supports the universe.


  11. This is the eight-legged horse of Odin.


  12. Though it is popularly known as Day of Doom, it is a series of future events, including a great battle foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of gods.


  13. Niflheim was the world of the dead and she is goddess of the dead.


  14. Tyr is the god of war for whom this day of the week is named.


  15. These are magical inscriptions whose knowledge was won by Mimir the Wise and learnt by Odin.


  16. Tolkien fans should especially know that the name Midgard, the world of humans, means this.

    Middle Earth

  17. The name literally means 'choosers of the slain'; music to the ride of them was set by Wagner and used famously in Apocalypse Now.


  18. He is not a god but the son of a giant; killed Balder; synonymous with mischief.


  19. This is the main hall in Asgard whose name is synonymous with a martial (or otherwise) hall of the chosen dead.


  20. The movie Thor was directed by this guy who is otherwise known for bringing Shakespearean dramas to the screen.

    Kenneth Branagh

  21. Odin stole this from the Giants, and whoever tastes it becomes a poet.

    Skaldic mead

  22. Term for a member of a group of poets.


  23. This, and not Valhalla, is the home of the gods.


  24. She is the goddess of love/ beauty for whom a much-thanked day of the week is named.

    Freya (Friday)

  25. Poetic ___ along with Snorri Sturluson's Prose ___ are the most important sources of Norse myth.


  26. Heimdallr is the warder of this rainbow bridge that connects Asgard to Midgard.


  27. This 5-letter word is the correct term for all the gods.
