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Caps, Hats and Headwear

Click on each clue for its answer.

  1. The chupalla, a horseman hat made of straw, is worn in this 'cold' South American country.


  2. This lace or silk scarf often worn over a high comb is popular with women in Spain and Latin America.


  3. A silk-brimmed, black felt Homburg named for a British PM, not paradise.

    Anthony Eden hat

  4. A traditional Scottish cap named after a castle that has a connection with British monarchy.


  5. The Phrygian cap is a soft conical cap associated with the inhabitants of a region of central Anatolia; in legend, this king of "special touch" ruled here.


  6. A wide-brimmed hat trimmed with an ostrich plume that gets its name from the supporters of King Charles I during the English Civil War. Just do not call it a roundhead.

    Cavalier hat

  7. Woman's hat popularized in the 1920s by flappers and gets its name from the French for "bell."


  8. Turban/hood-like male headgear often seen in Early Netherlandish painting; also a word for an older person who accompanies young unmarried maidens.


  9. A foldable cap with straight sides and a creased crown, it is associated with various military forces. Not surprisingly, the name is from a word meaning a body of troops stationed in a particular location.

    Garrison cap

  10. The stovepipe hat is commonly associated with this US president.


  11. A soft round cap associated with all elite units, not just the 'green' ones.


  12. Spodik, shtreimel are associated with?


  13. Headgear historically worn by European women over their long hair - the most common form resembles a close-fitting hood worn over the back of the head; also the fleshy growth hanging down over a male turkey's beak.


  14. Similar to a fedora but with a narrower brim, this hat's name derives from a play based on a 1894 novel of George du Maurier.


  15. The kippah is a skullcap worn by observant Jews and is also known by this 'y' word.


  16. The salakot is a traditional wide-brimmed hat in this country where Douglas MacArthur vowed to return.

    The Philippines

  17. This wide-brimmed Mexican hat has also lent itself to the name of a galaxy in the constellation Virgo.


  18. Commonly referred to as a Derby, it is worn by Charlie Chaplin's Tramp.

    Bowler hat

  19. A red felt hat in the shape of a truncated cone; also a city in Morocco.


  20. Scottish bonnet which was named after a character in the poem of that name by Robert Burns.

    Tam o' Shanter

  21. The toque, a hat with a narrow brim, is associated with members of this profession.


  22. Traditional headgear of the Yeomen Warders, the guards at the Tower of London; they do eat all type of meat.

    Beefeaters' hat

  23. The capuchon, a cone-shaped ceremonial hat is worn during this celebration in Louisiana, best associated with a New Orleans parade.

    Mardi Gras

  24. A type of hat that is typically worn in rural areas, often for hunting. Because of association with Sherlock Holmes, it has become a stereotypical hat of a detective.


  25. The Ushanka hat is associated with this country.


  26. The kufi is a cap worn by people from this continent.


  27. Looks similar to a trilby or a fedora but this hat with a porcine name has a flat top.

    Pork pie hat

  28. Italian hat company known particularly for its fedoras.


  29. The bicorne hat is most readily associated with this person - did he take it with him into his exile at St. Helena?

    Napoléon Bonaparte

  30. It is a small skullcap worn by clerics of the Roman Catholic Church; the colour denotes the wearer's rank: the pope's is white, those worn by cardinals are red or scarlet.


  31. A karakul hat is made from the wool of sheep and is worn by Muslim men in Central and South Asia and was very popular among Soviet leaders. In Pakistan, it is the called the cap of this founder.


  32. Hat with a front-to-back crease most associated with Indiana Jones. The British call it a trilby.
