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About TriviaBug

Thanks for stopping by. My name is Raghuveer and I created this site as a hobby. Am an IT professional and live near Washington, D.C. with my wife and daughter.

Found a mistake or have a suggestion? Please write to and let me know. I reply to all notes I receive on the site.

I was a contestant on Jeopardy! in 2010. A blog of my experience and a couple of sections that prospective contestants would find useful can be found on the adjacent tab.

Most quizzes are created from general reading and from Wikipedia. All questions on the site may be freely used and should you do so, an acknowledgment of the site is appreciated.

Many thanks to Matt Brundage who helped with the site redesign. You can see the quality of his work for yourself and if you have web development needs, you should get in touch with him. The home page layout is the creation of designer Shane Gardner, and he is available for freelance work as well.

Happy quizzing.